Monday, April 28, 2014

Managed Assets

Managed assets are files that are uploaded by business users to be used for store marketing or product supplements. They are added to Asset tool or the marketing tool in MC. 

1. Managed assets, when uploaded through MC, are first stored in CMFILE, CMSMALLFILE and CMLARGEFILE tables of WCS DB.

2. From there, the scheduled job "ScheduledContentManagedFileEARUpdateCmd" evaluates its set of criteria in the WCS configuration file (wc-server.xml). The criteria and their default values are :-

minNumOfFilesForUpdate - the minimum number of files for an update to occur.
minSecFromLastUpload - The minimum number of seconds since the last update. 

3. The files are extracted from DB and placed into the EAR of the staging environment.

4. These assets are then pushed to the production environments with the fileprop utility when when stagingprop called.